We are all born with the “Light of Christ” within our souls


It’s easy to allow the darkness of the world to engulf us. Candle in the Window is a forum to “Be The Light” as we serve others, light the creative talents within us, and find the light in our darkest hours. I have experienced many incredible and difficult things in life, but these experiences have made me stronger. As a child, and even still, I have been drawn to light! During the Civil War, there was a practice of placing a candle in the window with a promise it would be lit at night as a sign that loved ones waited for their dear ones to return home again. The light in the window was also a beacon to guide loved ones back home through the darkness.

From the moment we are born, we are on our own individual journey back home. May we “Be The Light” to others as we serve, create, and love by placing our own “Candle in the Window” each and every day. Les Johnson - that’s me! I live a normal life, which means it’s crazy and busy just like yours. I love my Savior Jesus Christ, I love my family, I love to serve others, and I love to create! My husband Ron, thinks I need a switch on my brain because it never turns off. What you see on this site is real life. Not photoshopped, filtered, or staged, just things that are real and important to me in my life. I hope you feel a connection here, and that we are good friends sharing life’s experiences together.



This Week’s Blog

Today’s post will be short and sweet.  I’m working on finishing up a big project that culminates on Saturday.  I’ll be posting about that in a couple weeks.  But for today I want to focus on Random Acts of Kindness…

DIY Projects


You don’t have to be crafty to be creative. This section is dedicated to all the crazy things I lay awake at night dreaming up! Rarely are they quick, easy or simple...

Favorite Things


This section is filled with my favorite things. It might be a store, craft supply or dishwashing soap. The list will grow, as I find new favorite things and places to share!



There is no obstacle too great, no challenge too difficult, that we cannot meet with faith.”

Gordon B. Hinckley