Addicted to Paper: Re-Purpose, Re-Use, Re-Knew

I don’t know what it is about paper, but I LOVE it!!!  I doubt I will ever be able to go paper free.  I carry a paper planner, and use a paper calendar.  If I put things in the calendar of my phone, I forget they are there, and end up missing things.  My life is centered on paper and pen.  It’s also a way of journaling for me.  I keep my yearly calendars, and love to look back through them to see my life in review.  Also, there’s nothing like cracking open the cover of a brand new book, choosing one of my many bookmarks to keep my place, and turning the pages well into the early morning hours.  Do you ever read so long that your eyes dry out, and you have to keep closing one at a time to keep reading until you can switch eyes and keep reading one eye open at a time?  I guess I’m also addicted to reading.

I also love to craft with paper, often repurposing old things to make new ones.  Since we just completed graduation season, I wanted to share a couple cards I made for the twin boys of my nephew.  I had to think about that one twice, how am I old enough to have a nephew with kids old enough to be graduating from high school?

I know the new thing is to send out cute graduation photo announcements, and don’t get me wrong, they are super cute and fun – but there is something nostalgic about a good old fashioned announcement from Jostens.  You know the ones with the embossed school crest, and the raised print lettering?  Looking them up online it states, “Jostens is an American manufacturer of memorabilia.  The company is primarily known for its production of yearbooks and class rings for various high schools and colleges as well as championship rings for sports.  It also says they were founded in 1897.  That’s a lot of history!  So I have to say how excited I was to receive two old-school Jostens graduation announcements in the mail this year!

My brain immediately started spinning trying to figure out what I could do with them.  I ended up, making graduation cards for these two fine young men, and re-gifting them back to them in the traditional Aunt Les over-the-top tradition.  I used almost every single part of those announcements, even down to their inserted photos and name cards.

I love coming up with new ways to re-purpose, re-use, and re-new things.  It brought light to my heart as I watched these young men open their cards and recognize they were made with love from their very own graduation announcements.  I Love These Boys, and can’t wait to see what the next chapter of their lives brings.  I’m also on the lookout for more ways to re-use things I already have.

Be sure to look for light in the things that surround you, and then re-share it with others!

Love Ya, Les :)