Preview to London Flower School and Harriet the Hummingbird Update

On July 5th I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel to London for a two week intensive master’s course in floristry.  In May I had the thought come to seek more floral design training. 

I did a search online, and long story short, ended up registering for a class with the “Judith Blacklock Flower School” in London, England! 

We have been told to seek and expect miracles, and this trip had too many to count. I will post more in depth about it all next week, but wanted to give a short teaser on what is to come!!!  I can’t wait to share . . .

The update on Harriet the Hummingbird is that while I was in London, her two eggs hatched, and we are now the proud grandparents of two baby hummingbirds.  I believe one is a girl, which I have named Hope. And the other one is a boy, whom I have named Henry, according to the markings on their necks.  Hope’s coloring is plain brown, and Henry has a white ring around his neck.

Ron sent me a text while I was gone announcing the happy news!!!  Harriet has always been a most attentive mama, and it’s been fun watching her bring nectar and small insects to feed to them.  It’s crazy how far down she pokes her long beak down their throats to do so! 

Today I saw one hover above the nest about two inches for a short period of time.  It looks like they will leave the nest soon, so we are enjoying every moment we can with them!!!

I’ve encountered SO much LIGHT and JOY the past few weeks!  The challenge this week is to look for the small things.  These are LIGHT givers, and the existence of JOY!

Have a great week!  Be sure to come back next week for the first installments of the magical floristry class I took in London!  And for those of you in Utah, Happy Pioneer Day on July 24th!  So grateful for those blessed honored pioneers who sacrificed so much for us to be here today!

Love Ya, Les :)